Songs are not just a source of entertainment; they are a treasure trove for language learners. Analyzing lyrics can expand your vocabulary, help you grasp colloquial expressions, and give you cultural insights. In this post, I will show you my process of going over the text of a very popular song – Terug In De Tijd byYves Berendse. if you were anywhere in the Netherlands in the summer of 2024 there is no way you have missed it. I know i am kind of late with it but still, it is a great song that is worth the effort, and brings many benefits including singing your heart out with confidence next time it is on anywhere.
Terug In De Tijd - Yves Berendse Lyrics
We droomden van later, maar verloor je uit het oog
We zouden veel bellen, dat deden we zelden
Maar zo gaat dat toch?
Het duurde te lang, maar we zitten hier alsnog
Ik heb je zo lang niet gezien, hoe is het nou?
Jij bent echt niets veranderd, oh, het voelt meteen vertrouwd
Als ik terug kon in de tijd, dan wel met jou
Soms dingen gedaan wat eigenlijk niet kon
Oh, de mooiste momenten, niets was te gek
We waren bang voor niets
En dit wat we hebben, is wat echte vriendschap is
Ik heb je zo lang niet gezien, hoe is het nou?
Jij bent echt niets veranderd, oh, het voelt meteen vertrouwd
Als ik terug kon in de tijd, dan wel met jou
Ik zou de klok terug willen draaien, en teruggaan naar die tijd
Ik heb je zo lang niet gezien, hoe is het nou?
Jij bent echt niets veranderd, oh, het voelt meteen vertrouwd
Als ik terug kon in de tijd, dan wel met jou
Ja, als ik terug kon in de tijd, dan wel met jou
Every day together, time flew
We dreamed of later, but lost sight of you
We’d call a lot, we rarely did
But that’s how it goes, isn’t it?
It took too long, but we’re still here
Yes, if I could go back in time, I would with you
I haven’t seen you for so long, what’s it like?
You really haven’t changed, oh, it feels instantly familiar
If I could go back in time, I would with you
We laughed, and were young
Sometimes did things that couldn’t be done
Oh, the best moments, nothing was too crazy
We were afraid of nothing
And this what we have, is what true friendship is
Yes, if I could go back in time, I would with you
I haven’t seen you for so long, what’s it like?
You really haven’t changed, oh, it feels instantly familiar
If I could go back in time, I would with you
When I look back on our life, it went by too fast
I’d like to turn back the clock, and go back to that time
Because if I could go back in time, I would with you
I haven’t seen you for so long, what’s it like?
You really haven’t changed, oh, it feels instantly familiar
If I could go back in time, I would with you
Yes, if I could go back in time, I would with you
The first thing i got to love about this song is the theme. I am sick of love songs and broken hearts. A very honest song about friendship is something entirely refreshing. Maybe every adult no matter the origin can relate to the subject. I know i did, especially since being an expat takes you even further away from friends and people you knew in the past.
verloor je uit het oog - lost you out of sight
Now back to the song. The first expression that stood out to me was “verloor je uit het oog”. The phrase “verloor je uit het oog” (lost you out of sight) can be quite versatile in everyday conversations. Here are some contexts where it can come pretty handy:
Reconnecting with an Old Friend:
Example: “We hebben elkaar jaren geleden uit het oog verloren, maar nu hebben we weer contact.”
Translation: “We lost touch years ago, but now we’re back in contact.”
Discussing Family Relationships:
Example: “Na de verhuizing naar een andere stad, heb ik mijn neef uit het oog verloren.”
Translation: “After moving to another city, I lost touch with my cousin.”
Work or Professional Context:
Example: “De oude collega’s heb ik na mijn baanwisseling uit het oog verloren.”
Translation: “I lost touch with my former colleagues after changing jobs.”
Community or Social Groups:
Example: “Sinds ik gestopt ben met de sportclub, heb ik veel leden uit het oog verloren.”
Translation: “Since I stopped going to the sports club, I lost touch with many members.”
Personal Reflection:
Example: “Ik heb mijn hobby’s uit het oog verloren door het drukke werkleven.”
Translation: “I lost sight of my hobbies due to a busy work life.”
Using this phrase can help convey the idea of drifting apart or losing contact due to life’s circumstances, and it’s a great way to express sentiments about relationships or interests that have faded over time. How do you think this expression could be useful in your own language learning or teaching context?
maar zo gat dat, toch ? - but that's how it goes, right?
The phrase “maar zo gaat dat toch” can be translated to “but that’s how it goes, right?” or “but that’s just the way it is.” It’s used to convey acceptance of a situation or the inevitability of certain events. Here is how you can use this phrase in your conversations.
Ik heb je zo lang niet gezien, hoe is het nou?
This line brought me so much joy when hearing the song for the first time. It is such a simple expression. Something you could use every day and for someone learning the language hearing something like that in a song makes the song so much more relatable abnd approachable. Now that this line has a melody in my head it is hard not to sing it to people i have not seen for a very long time.
Which lines are standing up to you? Let me know in the comments below so we can discuss them and help each other even more!