It is an everyday situation once you come for the first time to the Netherlands. Some people can tell just by the way you look you are not Dutch and they start speaking to you in English. But other people, especially seniors, will come to you and pour a waterfall of dutch at a tremendous speed. And then you will have to excuse yourself and ask them if they know English and do they want to repeat and continue in English.
Being able to do that will spare you many embarrassing moments and also show effort on your behalf which is highly appreciated.
I am sorry
Het spijt me.
I do not speak Dutch
Ik spreek geen Nederlands.
I speak only a little Dutch.
Ik spreek maar een beetje Nederlands.
I do not understand you
Ik versta u niet
I did not get that.
Dat heb ik niet begrepen.
I do not get it.
Ik snap het niet.
I do not understand what you said
Ik begrijp niet wat je zegt.
It’s going too fast for me
Het gaat mij te snel
Could you speak more slowly?
Kunt u wat langzamer praten?
Could you repeat that for me?
Kunt u dat nog even herhalen?
I am a beginner.
Ik ben een beginner
I’m a foreigner (m/f)
Ik ben buitenlander / buitenlandse
Dutch is a difficult language
Nederlands is een moeilijke taal
I am trying to speak dutch but my English is better.
Ik probeer Nederlands te spreken maar mijn Engels is beter.
Do you speak English?
Spreekt u Engels?
Does anyone here speak English?
Spreekt hier iemand Engels?
Can you repeat that in English?
Kunt u dat herhalen in het Engels?
Can we continue in English?
Kunnen we verder gaan in het Engels?
I can help you only in english
Ik kan u alleen in het engels helpen
How do you say this in Dutch?
Hoe zeg je dit in het Nederlands?
How do you pronounce this?
Hoe spreek je dit uit?
I can’t read this
Dit kan ik niet lezen
Could you spell it for me
Kunt u het spellen?
Could you translate this for me?
I can help you only in english
Ik kan u alleen in het engels helpen
How do you say this in Dutch?
Hoe zeg je dit in het Nederlands?
How do you pronounce this?
Hoe spreek je dit uit?
I can’t read this
Dit kan ik niet lezen
Could you spell it for me
Kunt u dit voor mij vertalen?
Now it is time for practice. You can do that with the Quizlet board below. It has all those expressions and you can memorize them with flashcards or you can do a test. Pick your mode from the menu on the bottom right and be ready to excuse yourself in any situation.